Essay Questions for the 2025 LaDue Scholarship Application. To be answered in a 700 word essay.
Essay Questions for the 2025 LaDue Scholarship Application. To be answered in a 700 word essay.
Cowgirl Tough:
(1) If family or friends were to describe you in three words, what attribute comes up the most often and why?
(2) Describe a time when you tried something new and challenging. What did you learn from that experience?
(3) Besides your achievements in rodeo, what is your greatest accomplishment?
(4) Do you believe that Florence LaDue could be described as “Cowgirl Tough”? Tell us why?
(5) Without naming the person, describe someone in your rodeo community who you believe epitomizes “Cowgirl Tough”.
(6) What does community mean to you? How have you helped make your community a better place?
Cowgirl Spirit:
(1) Think of someone who you admire, who inspires you to reach for the stars. Without naming the person, tell us how this person influenced you to achieve more.
(2) Describe your service to your community. What has been your greatest accomplishment?
(3) How have you honoured western heritage?
(4) Who in your community epitomizes “Cowgirl Spirit”?
(5) Describe how Florence LaDue Lived Life with “Cowgirl Spirit”.
(6) You’ve heard the quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. In the context of living life with “Cowgirl Spirit”, what change would you like to see in the world and how would you help make it happen?
Each essay will be evaluated on its own merit; therefore, the essay MUST be ANONYMOUS. Please do not place, sign or mention your name anywhere in the essay. Any direct reference to the applicant’s identity or the identity of parents, siblings, or family name will result in disqualification.